Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I don't care if you don't like me. As a matter of fact, we'll get along better if you don't. Because I despise you. Every breath you take is a breath of air wasted. You're a stupid, drug addicted, unthinking, oblivious moron. You're an obese, diabetic, confused fool who truly believes Oprah is a god-like presence in your life.

I wish I could muster up enough emotion to hate you. As it is, all I can do is feel pity for you. I'd respect you more if I hated you.

Your contributions to the greater good began & ended with you bringing a 10 year old can of Campbell's tomato soup to a food drive the last time you went to church. You left before the sermon given by the priest who had a naked choirboy tied to his bed in the sacristy. You didn't know or care that the kid about to be raped by a man of the cloth was your nephew.

The world is burning down around us as our newly minted bi-racial President fiddles with health insurance issues that will never be resolved until & unless we blow the whole thing up and start over. Band-aids do not cure mortal wounds or treat pre-existing conditions. Only a complete purging of all health care legislation and an enema applied to all practitioners will cure what ails the American health care system.

As I progress into middle age, I feel ashamed that my generation has not done better for the generations coming up behind us. We have done nothing to prepare our children for the shit storm we're sending them into. We gave them Sesame Street and a creepy purple dinosaur and threw them off the bus and told them "Good Luck". Oh. And go to work so you can pay for me in my dotage. I'm gonna be "retired" for the next 25 years, feeding from your trough.

If I was 25 or 20 or 16, working my first job with 1/3 of my wages taken out to pay for benefits I'll never see, I'd be fucking pissed.

As it is, I'm a 50 year old white guy who's already been kicked out of heaven once and had the Last Rites said on me several times. I've been shot, stabbed, and have crawled out of more burning wrecks than a Hollywood stunt man. I have a helluva lot more days behind me than I have in front of me. I'm not afraid of my inevitable meeting with Jesus, although he keeps on delaying it himself.

There's nobody alive on this planet who cares more about the human condition than I do. I just can't fight anymore. I just can't bring myself to care anymore.

I'll take my victories in small places. I'll feed needy children and teach them to read in church basements. I'll assist the elderly people in my neighborhood where I live with their daily chores.

The rest of the world will have to do for itself. I just don't--I just can't--care anymore.

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